Refreshing Leadership
Welcome to Refreshing Leadership, the podcast that explores the intersection of neuroscience, leadership, and purpose. Dive into the world of trauma-informed leadership coaching and harness its wisdom to navigate uncertainty with confidence.
Practical information, reflections, and wisdom brought together by your host, Kate, a Coaching Psychologist and Trauma-Informed Leadership Coach. She is your guide and companion as we unpick what trauma is; and what it is not; and explore how it shows up in individuals, families, and communities; and most of all, how this wisdom can help us all be better leaders for our time.
Step into the world of Refreshing Leadership, the podcast where purpose, trust, and connection matter.
Podcasting since 2023 • 62 episodes
Refreshing Leadership
Latest Episodes
S2: 35 Highs, Lows, and What Is Next? Season 2 recap with Rob Lawrence, Podcast Producer
Aaand, that’s a wrap! Season 2 is complete, with 35 episodes in the can and downloaded (so far) 4,198 times! Thank you so, so much, to everyone who listened, discussed, shared, messaged me, and absorbed some of this informati...
Season 2
Episode 35
S2.34: Passionate About Positive Leadership! With Chartered Coaching Psychologist, Cornelia Lucey
Meet Cornelia Lucey, Chartered Coaching Psychologist, business owner, leadership coach, and author of a Routledge-published book - Positive Leadership in Practice: A Model for Our Future.Although Cornelia and I are fellow alumni...
Season 2
Episode 34
S2.33: Trauma is Already Outside the Box; But Are You Still Thinking Inside the Box? A Primer for Refreshing Leaders
This is the first time I’ve created an episode where I’m connecting you back to one of the very first episodes on this podcast, launched around a year ago. Trauma remains widely misunderstood. It is put in a box and left in a corner...
Season 2
Episode 33
S2.32: Credible, Fast-Talking, Fascinating; A Kitchen-Table Chat With Dr Natalie Lancer, Chair of BPS Division of Coaching Psychology
This episode is a quick, energising and inspiring canter through the fields of coaching psychology, existentialism, neuroscience, leadership, and what it is like to be a senior leader inside the Division of Coaching Psychology! Dr....
Season 2
Episode 32
S2.31: Contradict Yourself! Identify Where You Disagree With Yourself To Unlock Creativity
We are not mono-mind… and we do not think just one thing on any topic… but what about when you radically disagree with yourself? In psychology these are called “polarities” - opinions or thoughts that are literally polar opposites. Often they a...
Season 2
Episode 31